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海外酒販株式会社-Kaigai Fine Wine Store

2005 ネッビオーロ"ノー・ネーム" ボルゴーニョ/ 2005 Nebbiolo"No Name", G.Borgogno

通常価格 ¥10,700 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥10,700 JPY

「No Name」は、バローロ村のCannubi, Fossati, San Pietro delle Violeなど我々が知る限り最も有名なバローロを生み出す最高の畑で栽培されるネッビオーロ種を使った伝統的なバローロとして誕生しました。小さい樽で育てる(33ヘクトリットル)ワインで、少なくとも3年間のこの樽での熟成した後にバローロとして完成し、ネッビオーロの優雅さを表現するようになります。


「No Name」は、2009年に2005年バローロの瓶詰めをする際に起きたある出来事に由来する抗議文です。





我々はこの“格下げ”を受け入れましたが、このワインの名「No Name」はワイン業界におけるイタリアの官僚主義に対する抗議です。


幸い、「No Name」は成功し、私たちはこのワインを作り続けました。


The "No Name" was born as the traditional Barolo from Nebbiolo grapes, grown in the best vineyards of Cannubi, Fossati, San Pietro delle Viole in the municipality of Barolo, those that give the most famous Barolo as we all know and appreciate it, and like this ”grows in smaller barrels” (33 hectoliters) which are the ones that manage to enhance the elegance of the Nebbiolo which, after at least 3 years of aging in these barrels, will become Barolo.

Says Borgogno:

No Name is a protest label that comes from an event that happened in 2009, when we were ready to bottle our 2005 Barolo.

As per the procedure, we took a sample of the first 8,000 bottles and verified that all the parameters corresponded to what was required by the specification. We have obtained the certification as DOCG.

When repeating the process for the other 8,000 bottles, the certification body contested that the color of the wine was too dark compared to that required by the specification.

Our wine, therefore, could not be considered a Barolo, but was downgraded to Langhe Nebbiolo. It was absurd: it was the same wine as the previous 8,000 bottles!

To "protest", we accepted the downgrading, but we labeled the wine as No Name, a protest against the Italian bureaucracy in the wine world, which is obviously useful, but when it is too much it makes one's job complicated. We did well, No Name proved to be a success and we continued to produce it!.